Saturday, November 22, 2014

Share a Coke with Enemies

Seeing this picture made me remember that we need to share things with our enemies more. We are always told to love on them, but I think it is something we preach more than we practice. This is something that is a lot harder to put into practice for sure, but something we are called to do. It is always easier to love the people we are friends with rather than loving the people we cannot stand, or find annoying, or people that we fight with.
I would use this to help people when they ask what to do when they are in the middle of a tough situation and they aren't getting along. I would explain how even though it can be extremely tough at times, for everybody, that we are still called to love one another. I would also say how even though we daily mess up, there is a God who continually loves us daily despite our faults and failures, Even though we aren't God, we are told to show Christ's love everywhere. It is easy to love people we are friends with and like, but it is tougher to love those that you cannot tolerate or that you are enemies with. Which one will God reward you for more?

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