Saturday, November 29, 2014

Jesus Friend-Zoned

I liked this picture because I think it is a lot of what girls/society does now a days. A lot of girls will just keep praying that they want this earthly man who will fulfill all their needs before realizing that God send Jesus to this earth and is everything they need. Although I completely understand that it is of course different when you actually have a boyfriend/husband and the relationship is so special. But I think a lot of girls now a days forget that they should have their relationship right with Jesus before they try and pursue a relationship. Jesus is desiring closeness with each one of us, and He wants to romance us like no other. So many times we may say "I know you came Jesus, and that you love me, but I want a guy who will treat me like a princess" and we totally disregard everything Jesus did for us or even feels for us. No guy we could marry would go to the cross to cover the mistakes you have made so that you can live, no matter how much the guy loves you.
I think I would just encourage girls to seek out the Father and "test" His love for them. I would encourage them to seek out the Father and ask Him to show his love for them.
With talking with a non-Christian, I would explain the entire salvation message and how Jesus came and died for them to have relationship with them.

Putting "Christ" Back In...

I chose this photo because it can really make you think about how you are acting as a Christian and how you are loving on other people. When it comes to the holiday season, a lot of Christians get very up tight because people will shorten Christmas to "Xmas" and they want Christ left back in the word. People get very offensive about this. But how often do we forget that the word Christ is in Christian. We are called to show Christ's love, but how often do we forget about this? There are times Christians act opposite to how we are called to love one another. There are times non-Christians act more like Christians than people with the Holy Spirit living in them do. Which can be a hard truth to swallow.
I think if I were to see this picture with a non-Christian, I think I would feel the need to apologize. Apologizing for not acting the way I should as a daughter of Christ, a heavenly Princess and as a Christian myself. I don't know what more I could say except to apologize. It may help me think more deeply and wonder why we as Christians get so uptight about not having Christ in Christmas, but we never live out what we do have Christ in.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Share a Coke with Enemies

Seeing this picture made me remember that we need to share things with our enemies more. We are always told to love on them, but I think it is something we preach more than we practice. This is something that is a lot harder to put into practice for sure, but something we are called to do. It is always easier to love the people we are friends with rather than loving the people we cannot stand, or find annoying, or people that we fight with.
I would use this to help people when they ask what to do when they are in the middle of a tough situation and they aren't getting along. I would explain how even though it can be extremely tough at times, for everybody, that we are still called to love one another. I would also say how even though we daily mess up, there is a God who continually loves us daily despite our faults and failures, Even though we aren't God, we are told to show Christ's love everywhere. It is easy to love people we are friends with and like, but it is tougher to love those that you cannot tolerate or that you are enemies with. Which one will God reward you for more?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Jesus' Birthday Sweater

I liked this photo because of the relevance to the major "ugly Christmas sweater parties" that are popular within the month of December. It is nice because instead of having an typical ugly sweater for the holiday's, this sweater has the meaning and the reason why we are celebrating Christmas. Sometimes I get annoyed with how people treat the holiday of Christmas and how it has become such a season of consumerism. I wish that the holiday's can get back to the intended meaning of it. So I really liked that there is a sweater like this that exists, as cheesy at it may be.
I feel as though my ways for bridging the gap between the world and Christians have been relatively simple, basic and common sense. However, it is the way that I would try and make a conversation. With this sweater in particular, I would ask people what they think of the sweater and what it makes them feel. Hopefully then it could evoke some good conversation where we can talk openly about the Christmas season without creating any fights or anything.

Love is an Open Door

I really liked this picture because it brings something that is very big in the world right now, the movie Frozen, and the reality of what Christ did for us. I liked this picture because it can be a good starter for some people that may not understand what Christ did for us, or that it is even open to them. It is possible that some people may not think that God's love is an open door. They could possibly think that they have to be living a perfect life so that God can accept them, when this is not the case.
I would hope to build a gap by being able to elaborate on this concept of love being an open door. I would talk about how Jesus rose from the grave and how because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Heaven's Got A Plan For You

My father said,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."
-Swedish House Mafia

This song, and mainly this chorus has encouraged me many times when I have felt confused or lost. Even though it is a secular song, it has encouraged me knowing that God has a plan and that I do not need to worry. He carries everything in the palm of His hand and He encourages us to cast our worries onto Him.
I think this gives a positive image that can also be a hidden to an extent. I don't think it's something that many people would pick up on unless they have already had a relationship with the Father. But having this message in there is a good way for some people to hear a positive truth.
I think with this song, I would share a bit of my testimony, and share some scripture about how we are to cast our worries onto Him. I would share about how our God is involved in our lives and isn't distant like we learned about in God Human and Creation class. That He wants to have a relationship with us and that He cares about what happens in our lives.